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01.12.92: Star Control 2 Weltraum-Strategie 80.0%


02.04.98: Gex 3D: Enter the Geko JumpNRun / Sidescroll / Plattformer 85.6%
03.05.98: Pandemonium 2 JumpNRun / Sidescroll / Plattformer 83.0%


12.10.99: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 3D-Action-Adventure 78.0%


28.11.01: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 3D-Action-Adventure 79.0%


26.04.02: Blood Omen 2 3D-Action-Adventure 67.3%


06.02.04: Legacy of Kain: Defiance 3D-Action-Adventure 76.6%


22.03.05: Project Snowblind Ego-Shooter 80.2%


07.04.06: Tomb Raider 7: Legend 3D-Action-Adventure 87.3%


31.05.07: Tomb Raider: Anniversary 3D-Action-Adventure 86.5%


20.11.08: Tomb Raider 8: Underworld 3D-Action-Adventure 79.7%


18.08.10: Lara Croft und der Wächter des Lichts Action-Rollenspiel / Hack&Slay 84.9%


05.03.13: Tomb Raider (2013) 3D-Action-Adventure 86.2%


09.12.14: Lara Croft und der Tempel des Osiris Action-Rollenspiel / Hack&Slay 79.8%


29.01.16: Rise of the Tomb Raider 3D-Action-Adventure 85.9%
29.01.16: ADDON Rise of the Tomb Raider: Baba Yaga - The Temple of the Witch (DLC) 3D-Action-Adventure 85.0%
29.03.16: ADDON Rise of the Tomb Raider: Cold Darkness Awakened (DLC) 3D-Action-Adventure 72.0%


13.11.18: ADDON Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Die Schmiede (DLC) 3D-Action-Adventure --
18.12.18: ADDON Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Die Säule (DLC) 3D-Action-Adventure --


22.01.19: ADDON Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Der Albtraum (DLC) 3D-Action-Adventure --
12.02.19: ADDON Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Der Preis des Überlebens (DLC) 3D-Action-Adventure --
04.03.19: ADDON Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Das Herz der Schlange (DLC) 3D-Action-Adventure --
29.03.19: ADDON Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Der große Kaiman (DLC) 3D-Action-Adventure --
23.04.19: ADDON Shadow of the Tomb Raider: The Path Home (DLC) 3D-Action-Adventure --


04.09.20: Marvel's Avengers 3D-Action-Adventure 73.0%


14.02.24: Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered 3D-Action-Adventure 66.3%
31.12.24: Tomb Raider (Unreal 5) 3D-Action-Adventure --


31.12.25: Perfect Dark Ego-Shooter --

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505 Games | Activision | AmigaPortal | Bethesda | Daedalic | Elecronic Arts | Gamers.at | Koch Media | Kultboy.com | Retropoly | Spieletipps.de | Square Enix | Take 2 / 2K | THQ Nordic | Ubisoft ::.

.:: Total seit 1.5.2005 : Seitenaufrufe: 145.299.710 - Besucher: 16.160.849::.
.:: Maximale Besucher gleichzeitig online: 4.591 am 30.11.2020 - 17:09 Uhr ::.
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